Object Design
My Good Friend 3ds MAX
Modelled and Rendered in 3ds MAX. 2003-2007
Mmmm 3ds MAX, my childhood dream-building friend! We used to play together in sandboxes...
Concept Car
Designed for the Peugot Car Design Competition 2008 etc. Must've been unconsciously inspired by Caddy CTS, I guess!
Dei Sub Numine Viget
Pretty cover for my vis. arts supplemental when I applied to college... guess it worked!
Georgian Cover 2006
Hah! A cover for my high school's yearbook, circa 2006. Craaaazy times.
A rocketplane. A shiny rocketplane.
A Strange Growth
Messin' about. A bioalienthingy grows out of the wall (plugged itself into a live wire, I guess).
Concept Clock Radio
A concept clock radio... with an OLED screen?! In 2004?! Weird
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by Jonathan Goh. I hope you're having a nice day!
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